More wonderful photos of this gorgeous lake, rocks and mountains!

I think this formation was called "the cathedral".

This one, I am pretty sure, was called the "castle".

We are headed back into a cove to walk & see the Rainbow Bridge National Monument. This captain had to manuever his boat through a narrow passage.

The views in here were spectacular!

Do you like the reflection and the waves from the boat?

There actually was a Blue Heron back in here. He did not want to pose as so many do for me in Florida.

For some reason this water was green. There were fish in it, too!

Here is the boat anchored at the end of a long pier.

We had to walk about a mile back to the Rainbow Bridge. It was a beautiful walk.

This is our first sighting of the "Bridge", which to me looked more like an arch. Guess that is why they call it Rainbow Bridge.

We are getting closer!

Now, doesn't that look like an arch, not a bridge!

When we were taking the above photo, this little girl was there, waiting for her family to come. She was so cute, I had to get a photo!
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